
Fiqh Of Menstruation

What Every Muslim Woman Should Know


Allah ï·» ordained menstruation as a blessing for the daughters of Adam (Alayhis-salam). Are you able to sift through the various rulings around the immense blessing of menstruation?

Explore the fiqh of menstruation, an essential (fard ‘ayn) knowledge every Muslim must know. Understand how the menstrual cycle affects various forms of worship starting from the prayer, fasting, purification and more.

Empower yourself and find confidence by learning to navigate the overwhelming cultural taboos and misconceptions around the beautiful blessing of menstruation.

  • You see blood but do not know if you may make your obligatory prayer or not.
  • You have just finished your monthly bleed and now there is blood again. What do you do?
  • How about my Qur’an? Can I read Qur’an during my cycle?  Am I rewarded for my Ibadah during my bleed?
  • Do I make-up my midday prayer if my cycle came between Dhuhr and Asr, and I have not yet prayed Dhuhr?
  • Do I have to make up my fast if my cycle came just before iftar time?
  • Is my wudu valid if I notice spotting out of my cycle?
  • Are you able to confidently sift through the various rulings on your obligatory prayers, your Qur’an and your fasting during normal and abnormal bleeding?
  • You performed ghusl on your 'day of doubt' after menstruation, and then started bleeding again. You feel frustrated to have to perform ghusl again.
  • Why is ghusl an act of ibadah you are rewarded for, however many times you repeat it?
  • A woman is on her very first hajj and her menstrual cycle has come, what does she do?
  • How do I learn to submit to the will of Allah ï·» when it is Allah ï·» who willed for the cycle to come at this moment in time, when I do not want it to come?

What You’ll Learn:

  • Menstruation: Definitions, duration, frequency, and rulings.
  • Ibadah rulings: The rulings around the restart of your obligatory prayers, your Qur’an, your fasting, purification and more.
  • Nifaas: Postpartum bleeding, abortion, and contraception-related issues.
  • Abnormal bleeding: Guidance for all ages on differentiating between normal and abnormal bleeding.
  • Key aspects of life: Menstrual cycle rulings around marital relations, divorce, and other aspects.
  • Q&A Session: Direct answers to personal questions from Dr. Sh. Haifaa Younis, a practicing Gynecologist in the USA.


Join us for this vital course designed to educate and empower.





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Instructor Bio

Dr. Sh. Haifaa Younis

Dr. Sh. Haifaa Younis is an American Board Certified Obstetrician and Gynecologist with roots from Iraq. She is the founder and Chairman at Jannah Institute, and a resident scholar at Jannah institute and the Islamic Center of Irvine (ICOI). Dr. Younis graduated from the Mecca Institute of Islamic Studies and Al-Huda Qur’an Memorization School (Jeddah, Saudi Arabia) where she completed the memorization of the Qur’an. Currently, she lives and works in the United States, and teaches various Islamic studies courses with a focus on purification of the heart (Tazkiyah).